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Aldous Huxley

Age: 69 🕊️ (b.1894 - d.1963)

Aldous Huxley (1894–1963) was a British writer and philosopher best known for his dystopian novel Brave New World and his deep interest in the exploration of the human mind. Educated at Eton College and Balliol College, Oxford, Huxley’s early works included poetry and fiction before he transitioned into essays and philosophical explorations. His experiences with hallucinogens like mescaline were pivotal in shaping his later writings, including The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell, where he delves into altered states of consciousness and mystical experiences.

Throughout his career, Huxley was fascinated by themes of perception, transcendence, and the human potential for spiritual growth. His works continue to be influential in discussions about consciousness, reality, and the boundaries of human experience.
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Porţile percepţiei. Raiul şi iadul

Author: Aldous Huxley

(1 ratings)
Cartea Porțile percepției. Raiul și iadul de Aldous Huxley este o explorare filosofică și spirituală asupra conștiinței umane, pornind de la experi...

Aldous Huxley's books

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Porţile percepţiei. Raiul şi iadul

Aldous Huxley

Cartea Porțile percepției. Raiul și iadul de Aldous Huxley este o explorare filosofică și spirituală asupra conștiinței umane, pornind de la experi...

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