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Nir Eyal

Age: 45 🎉 (b.1980)

Nir Eyal is a renowned expert in behavioral design, focusing on the intersection of psychology, technology, and business. With a background in game development and advertising, Eyal has become a key figure in understanding how products capture and hold consumer attention. He has consulted for several start-ups and major companies, applying his deep knowledge of behavioral psychology to help them build habit-forming products. Eyal is also an author of Indistractable, a book that complements his work in Hooked, focusing on maintaining focus and managing distractions in the digital age.

Eyal has taught at prestigious institutions such as Stanford’s Graduate School of Business and Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, sharing his insights on how psychological triggers can be leveraged to design products that people love to use. His work bridges the gap between technology and human behavior, offering practical advice for companies seeking to develop products that become integral parts of users’ lives.
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Wikipedia: Nir Eyal
Instagram: Nir Eyal
Facebook: Nir Eyal
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Added: @costin (Oct 13, 2024)
Approved: @costin (Oct 13, 2024)
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Captivat - Cum să creezi produse care formează obișnuințe

Author: Nir Eyal

(1 ratings)
Captivat de Nir Eyal explorează modul în care companiile de succes creează produse care ne captează atenția și devin parte din rutina noastră zilni...

Nir Eyal's books

All Nir Eyal's books added on Booksy
Captivat - Cum să creezi produse care formează obișnuințe

Nir Eyal

Captivat de Nir Eyal explorează modul în care companiile de succes creează produse care ne captează atenția și devin parte din rutina noastră zilni...

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