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Amelia Nagoski

Age: 47 🎉 (b.1977)

Amelia Nagoski, Emily’s twin sister, holds a Doctorate of Musical Arts in Conducting from the University of Connecticut. She is an assistant professor and a music conductor at Western New England University. Amelia’s work focuses on the intersection of music, communication, and psychological studies, exploring how understanding emotions and stress can enhance both professional and personal lives. Through their collaboration in Burnout, the Nagoski sisters combine their expertise in health and psychology to offer a comprehensive guide to overcoming burnout, particularly for women.
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Added: @costin (Oct 20, 2024)
Approved: @costin (Oct 20, 2024)
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Most rated book of Amelia Nagoski on Booksy Cafe

Burnout - Cum să spargi cercul vicios al stresului

Author: Emily Nagoski, Amelia Nagoski

(1 ratings)
„Burnout: Cum să spargi cercul vicios al stresului” este o carte revoluționară care explorează fenomenul de epuizare fizică, mentală și emoțională,...

Amelia Nagoski's books

All Amelia Nagoski's books added on Booksy
Burnout - Cum să spargi cercul vicios al stresului

Emily Nagoski, Amelia Nagoski

„Burnout: Cum să spargi cercul vicios al stresului” este o carte revoluționară care explorează fenomenul de epuizare fizică, mentală și emoțională,...

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