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Emily Nagoski

Age: 47 🎉 (b.1977)

Emily Nagoski is a renowned researcher and speaker, best known for her work on sexual health and wellness. She holds a PhD in Health Behavior and a master’s degree in Counseling from Indiana University. Emily is also the author of the bestseller Come As You Are, a groundbreaking book about female sexuality. Through her writing, teaching, and motivational speaking, she focuses on helping women understand their bodies and live fulfilling lives, free from the constraints of societal pressures. Her approach blends scientific research with practical strategies for well-being
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Official website: Emily Nagoski
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Instagram: Emily Nagoski
Facebook: Emily Nagoski
Youtube: none

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Added: @costin (Oct 20, 2024)
Approved: @costin (Oct 20, 2024)
Last Edit: never

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Most rated book of Amelia Nagoski on Booksy Cafe

Burnout - Cum să spargi cercul vicios al stresului

Author: Emily Nagoski, Amelia Nagoski

(1 ratings)
„Burnout: Cum să spargi cercul vicios al stresului” este o carte revoluționară care explorează fenomenul de epuizare fizică, mentală și emoțională,...

Amelia Nagoski's books

All Amelia Nagoski's books added on Booksy
Burnout - Cum să spargi cercul vicios al stresului

Emily Nagoski, Amelia Nagoski

„Burnout: Cum să spargi cercul vicios al stresului” este o carte revoluționară care explorează fenomenul de epuizare fizică, mentală și emoțională,...

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